
Showing posts with the label master splinter


Megan Fox sucks. Now the elephant in the room's finally out of the way and I've clarified that for ya right off the bat: let's take a look at the new Michael Bay-produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or, as it is also called, Ninja Turtles . This looked set to be a disaster from the get-go with Bay attached, the casting of Fox and major changes to the Turtles' story all announced at the same time. Then came the very dumb trailer which didn't look all that amazing and actually turned off a lot of people who thought the turtles looked too freaky. Because we all know what a teenage mutant ninja LIVE ACTION turtle should look like, don't we? And what we're all picturing right now isn't weird at all, right? Come on, mutated turtles that can talk, fight and eat pizza were always going to look bizarre not in a cartoon or a comic book. The biggest surprise the film had to offer wasn't the new "roided-out" look of its titular characters